
Saturday, September 29, 2012

October 3rd, 2012 - The day I turn into a Teenager

Why you ask?  Well, let me just explain.

When I actually WAS a teenager, there was this group of singers that was just a little bit popular and I was a HUGE fan of theirs.  The group?  New Kids on the Block.

Within that group, there was one singer who I was completely obsessed with (in a non-stalkerish way of course). - Jordan Knight.  I'm telling you, posters of Jordan (and the rest of the group), were plastered all over my walls, doors, mirrors and ceiling in my room.  I'm not sure how my parents felt about this, but I sure loved it.

Mr. Knight himself has a show in Ottawa on October 3rd and guess who's going?  That's right...ME!!  I won tickets from Majic 100 and they come with a Meet & Greet with the one and only Jordan Knight!!


Ok, back to adult me for a moment.

To people who never get to turn into teenagers again for whatever reason, I have to say that you're missing out.  I'm not saying you should act like a teenager in your day to day life, but being able to reconnect with your youth occasionally really does keep you young.  I believe that with all my heart.

It's a few hours of pure happiness that you can share with other people who feel the same way.  I have to say that for me, the feeling usually lasts a few days after as well.  It's nice to escape your real life and all its many responsibilities and challenges and I'm really looking forward to that day.


I can't believe that I'm going to meet him...but who am I kidding?  I won't be able to talk to him.  Ask the people who know me.  I get tongue tied in these types of situations and look ridiculous!!


I'll get a picture with Jordan Knight as a reminder of that day!! 

Incidentally, even though I won the tickets and Meet & Greets, this Meet & Greet  is going to cost me.  If you read my previous post "Birthday Wishes to fight Prostate Cancer", in it, I mention that if I meet JK, I will be making a larger donation to my cause.  I am extremely happy to be able to do this although my wallet might not agree.

I'd like to thank Majic 100 and their morning crew, Stuntman Stu, Angie Poirier, Trisha Owens and Barry Hayes.  You guys rock!!!!

One more time


'Til we meet again


1 comment:

  1. I was totally the same way growing up Julie!! Had posters all over my room, bought every magazine, all their CASSETTES!, trading cards, tshirt, had all the ken type dolls of them! Jordan was my fave too! I remember they came to Ottawa and played at Lansdowne I believe, I wasn't allowed to go and I was soooo sad!! So go live out my childhood dream too, ok!!?? lol
