On October 21st, Jim Keay Ford Lincoln, was hosting an autograph signing / food drive with 5 Ottawa Senators players. The 5 players were Chris Phillips, Marc Methot, Matt Kassian, Kyle Turris and Craig Anderson.
As evidenced on many prior posts, I've met Chris Phillips multiple times. I was going to the signing this day to get my heritage jersey signed by the other 4 guys. Of course I had a couple of things for Chris to sign, but he wasn't the only reason I was going to one of these things.
I arrived fairly early and found myself 10-15th in line. As I was waiting for a friend of mine to arrive so that we could keep each other company, a woman came in with her friend and son. I told them where to put their food donation and at this point, she noticed my Chris Phillips jersey and told me that she was a HUGE fan of his herself. Right then - I knew Lisa and I would be friends :)
She then realized where she'd seen me before. She looked at me and told me "You had your birthday at Big Rig!!" Yep, through Facebook posts and various tweets and re-tweets, she somehow saw the pictures of me and my cake from two weeks ago. I'm a celebrity now ;) LOL.
While waiting for the players to arrive, she and I with her son RJ and her friend Ginette just talked about many different things. We realized that we had something else in common, we both worked for the CRA, although for different departments. We talked a little about working there and then moved on to better conversation. Hockey! ;)
We shared hockey/Phillips stories and talked about our mutual admiration for #4. I showed the three of them my camera and the amazing pics I can get from my seats at the Sens game...and it's not even close to being a professional camera.
Me and the girls decided we wanted to take pictures with Chris and Marc since they were sitting next to one another. I told them I'd take pics with my camera and share them on Facebook - so she added me as a friend immediately. It's not that I didn't want pictures with the other guys - I would have loved that, but I get very shy and embarrassed at these things and I'm more comfortable talking to Chris now so that was the only one I was going to get. I'm slowly getting a little better with the whole "shy" thing, but you gotta give me a break here.
I believe her son RJ was probably just shaking his head that there was someone else as crazy as his mother. Talking to them for 40 minutes while waiting for the signings to start was amazing. I was so happy to make new friends and talking to strangers is not usually my forte as some of you have witnessed.
We finally went through and got our autographs....and despite my shyness, I was able to talk to all of them. (Yay me)
Before Lisa left, I saw her phone and her case is purple. I showed her my phone and the case is also purple. Yes, another thing in common - our favourite colour is purple
I waited at Jim Keay for a bit while my other friend was going through with her children. When they got to Chris I asked him for one of his player photos for me as I hadn't gotten one the first time through. He said I was too busy earlier trying to figure out the camera. Thanks Chris - but I know my camera. :)
I'm really hoping to see Lisa again soon. Hopefully Ginette and RJ can join us too. Maybe we'll have to go to Big Rig for dinner and watch a game one night.
Great night.
Til next time
Julie / @Flip_4
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